Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Road Trip Page 2

Well, I am sorry if there is no continuity in my posts, but I guess that is the nature of traveling. Time at the TONE is 8:17 pm est, Tuesday January 12, 2010. We are spending a very comfortable night (I hope) in Bob Benton’s house in Sopchoppy, FL.

When last heard from we were on the road to Savannah, having just spent a COLD nite camping near the SC shore. I forgot to mention that the dregs of my granola and soymilk were freezing to the sides of my metal bowl as I was trying to eat them that morning. I also forgot to mention all the dolphins we saw with Steve just off the beach south of his place.

Last nite we did our second nite of camping. It was a relatively balmy 30 degrees, I guess. As we pulled into the town of Sopchoppy, looking for the nearby state park, Beth remembered the Bob had a house here, so we set the wheels in motion for a second nite in the area. The skies have been very clear and the stars incredibly bright. Last nite the stars were so thick it was hard to pick out our usual constellations. Saw the Milky Way! It was too cold to look for long, though.

The previous two nites we spent at Beth’s brother Mark’s (& Elissa’s) house in Savannah. Got the tour of historic Savannah on Mark’s trolley. Nice walk on abandoned rail right of way through tidal marshes. Forced to watch Bengals get crushed in company of rabid Jets fans. Had to watch hated Ravens humiliate tiresome Patriots. Decided it may be time to forgive Ravens for forsaking Cleveland. Watched in horror as The People’s Team – the only major professional team in the country not owned by RICH people – The Packers fell behind the Cardinals. Didn’t give up hope and was rewarded with an awesome comeback, only to have defeat strike like an unseen cobra. Well, the reason to watch sports is to be entertained, and I was, but the refs screwed my team, as it always seems. That’s what we all say, and that’s part of the fun, as long as the ref doesn’t reply “You’re just mad because my team’s winning.” Also watched some of Cowboys Riding the Eagles out of the playoffs, and was disappointed that both teams couldn’t lose. Yes, I watched a bit of football, and I am sorry to say I have no new micro-brew reports. Mark had a bunch of Corona which needed drinking, and I was glad to oblige. As a result of all that couch-potatoing I felt the need to be useful, so Mark and I re-hung the coat rack which broke under the weight of all our coats, and I replaced a lite fixture. After about a week of vacation I am always grateful for the chance to do something useful. Maybe there will be a little job for me in Austin, between football games…..

We don’t have internet here, maybe tomorrow we will find a coffee shop. It is now the next morning and we found a library near apalachicola. I forgot to mention, we saw an industrial park near Valdosta named BIG NOISE INDUSTRIAL PARK. Sorry, didn't turn around and go back for pictures.

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