Friday, February 5, 2010

the Road to Seattle

We got a pretty late start from West Yellowstone, on account of the snow coach ride out of the park and returning my rented skis and the lunch at Running Bear Pancakes, so it was late in the afternoon when we got to Missoula, MT.  I did not know that Missoula was large enuf to have a rush hour.  We got stuck in it because we got off the highway to look for a campground.  All the campgrounds in Montana close for the winter, it seems.  Surprise, surprise.  We found a very secluded closed campground near Lolo Hot Springs, parked in the snowmobiler’s plowed parking area and tent-camped in the snow nearby.  Nobody ever knew we were there, we turned off our headlamps whenever a vehicle went by on the main road.  The snow under the tent was ice in the morning, but we stayed warm. Actually, the night was not as cold as the times we camped in South Carolina and Florida.  The stars were incredible.

            Next morning we drove on thru a light snow to the hot springs, but they didn’t open till ten am and we didn’t want to wait two hours.  Drove all day to get to Nick and Karen’s in Seattle.  Got to see a lot of big beautiful mountains and the lights of Seattle at dusk and had the luck to hit Seattle’s rush hour, also.  Made Missoula’s look pretty tame.           

            Bought a six of Moose Drool by Big Sky Brewing of Missoula as a gift for our hosts (hey, they’re family, they don’t need no stinkin gift?!).  Gave the gift, asked for a beer.  A little sweet, but good.  Just like Moose Turd Pie!  Anyone who doesn’t  get the references to “don’t need no stinkin…..” or Moose Turd Pie, raise your hand and I will get back to you.


  1. Hand raised for Moose Turd Pie? well, it is a long story.... but it ends by saying: "MY GOD!! tHIS IS MOOSE TURD PIE!! But it's GOOD!" Watch Humphrey Bogart in "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" for "Badges? We don't got no - - - We don't need no stinkin badges!"
